Can smart content distribution work for you?

Even if you’re leveraging tactics like paid search and social media ads, you’re still not getting the most bang for your marketing buck. Tactics like these may bring you clicks and impressions, but to get meaningful conversions and access to deep, actionable audience insights, content distribution is a must-have for your marketing toolbox.

Content distribution empowers you to:

  • Improve the quality of your audience and drive conversions
  • Leverage highly targeted content distribution and promotion methods
  • Gain valuable insights on content marketing performance

These are just a few of the benefits of content distribution via LeadStream. Keep scrolling to see the rest!

Increase brand awareness and trust

LeadStream takes your content and puts it front and center with decision-makers who have buying authority or who influence purchases. With hyper-targeted content placement, you can be sure the decision-makers will recognize your brand, engage with your content, and trust that you’re a thought leader in your industry.

Put your content to work for you

After all the time and resources you put into creating exceptional content, why not be sure it’s delivering results? Whether it’s an infographic, ebook, white paper, or any other content of value, LeadStream uses smart audience segmentation to ensure the right eyes are on it.

Or, rely on Bobit to leverage our industry-specific expertise to create customized content for you and then promote it via LeadStream! Your organization always retains full intellectual property rights over any content we create for you, so you can refine and repurpose as much you like.

Uncover more opportunities — and MQLs

Instead of relying on cold calls or emails to generate Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), why not let the leads come to you?. Using LeadStream to get more eyes on your content means more customer connections, allowing you to generate more MQLs without lifting a finger.

Guided campaign optimization
Before we build, we listen. Our experts work to clearly understand your marketing objectives, challenges, and priorities. Then, they'll work with you to develop the most effective strategies for success.
Actionable Reporting
Our partner portal gives you access to detailed campaign metrics in real time. You'll gain a better understanding of your audiences and their behaviors, allowing you to truly optimize your marketing.
Data-Driven Industry Expertise
Our best-in class editors and customer support team know how to help you engage your key audiences, and they have access to expansive data-driven insights and research specific to your industry. When you work with Bobit, you get an entire team of industry experts dedicated to maximizing your marketing efforts.

Increase brand awareness and trust

With over 60 years in B2B marketing, Bobit has a history of innovating to meet our customers’ needs and grow their businesses. Our experience, expertise, and dedication to our partners’ success have helped countless organizations elevate their marketing initiatives — and we’re here to help elevate yours, too.

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