Boost your brand on your target’s favorite channels

Whether you sell to businesses or consumers, social is an invaluable channel. It’s a must for growing brand awareness, increasing engagement, building trust, collecting data, and understanding your audience. Bobit has solutions that are easy to use, quick to get started, and can be built upon an existing campaign, if needed.

Expert management by editors who know your audience

Bobit’s Social team — made up of publication editors who already have relationships with your audience — will optimize and run your campaigns for you. This not only means you gain a partner who knows your industry, you also take the burden of managing campaigns off your team. This means more engagement for your campaigns, but less work for your team.

Boost your content and increase MQLs

When you create lengthy, authoritative content like white papers, ebooks, and more, you want maximum reach to increase downloads and grow your email lists. Social channels are perfect for doing just that — and Bobit can help. We have bundle offers that span all major platforms that can boost your reach, increase engagement, and help you get more downloads — and, ultimately, more MQLs.

Get in touch

For brands, gaining organic traction on social today is harder than ever before. Why not let a team of experts who know your industry and your audience do the hard work for you? Our team of seasoned social experts take the work off your plate and help you reach more consumers and decision-makers than you could on your own. To find out more about how our Social solutions work, get in touch via the form below. We’ll be in touch to start the conversation ASAP.

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